Saturday, October 28, 2006


Having just finished reading the Autobiography of Yoga that propounds the sublime path of Kriya Yoga, I have taken upon myself to swing to the other side of creation theory divide by attempting this time to finish the unread best-seller, A brief history of Time, which has been languishing under a pile of other books of similar significance. The names of such worthies as Bohr, Laplace, Heisenberg that years of C++, Java, and C# had relegated to a untouched partition in the brain's storage mechanism are jumping out with alarming rapidity. They say things to me that I can scarcely make sense of. Newton and his theories are OK, by the time one reaches Einstein's general relativity the grey cells grumble and show positive signs of discontentment, and by the time the electron ceases to be a particle and moves as a wave from a point A to point B, through all the available paths, while ensuring some kind of relevance to Bohrs model, these cells conspire to congeal into a singularity of infinite insanity. I just hope to emerge out of this journey unscathed by the millions of quarks, mesons, boson and such things that Hawkins is bombarding me with.

Quite a heady cocktail, this...

The last has been a week of gifts. Gifts from workplace in form of goodies that gave even more joy when shared, uplifting music CDs from my bankers, trendy t-shirts, passes to happening dos, made this old man as excited as a kid in Christmas

Cool ...

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