Friday, October 04, 2024


Focus on NOW.   Whatever you understand by the term is fine.  Just focus on what the term refers to. Cut out the distractions.  And slowly … 

Dive in.

As you immerge yourself into the Now, you start to realize Now encompasses everything you know.  Every experience, every activity, every memory, every anticipation, every thought appears in NOW alone.  

Not just these. All that is known, all that is knowable, the One that knows, are all present in the present moment only.  

Go a little deeper.

Try to step out of Now.  Can you move, ever so slightly, to a point out of now?  


You can perhaps think of something that happened in the past?  But look closely. The only current reality in that activity is not the event that you are remembering but the thought of remembrance that happens now.   Same goes for any anticipation of future.  Or an imaginary situation.  All these are just thoughts which appear in mind, NOW.  

Mind you, these Appearances can entrap and hide the underlying reality of NOW where all this things are playing out.  That is what Maya does.

Meditating thus, you realize that that Now is beyond time.  In fact, NOW encompasses all eternity.  It is timeless.

Everything appears in NOW.  

Go Deeper Still.

See if for a moment you can imagine a YOU that is not NOW.   This is a delicate step. Takes time. But soon you realize that that YOU and NOW are actually inseparable. 

As you focus on NOW, you find Yourself.

Stay there.

Hari Om Tat Sat.


Note:  This passage was written to induce an experiential understanding of Nididhyasana.

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